"In the nineteenth century, the central moral challenge was slavery. In the twentieth century, it was the battle against totalitarianism. We believe that in this century the paramount moral challenge will be the struggle for gender equality around the world."Please visit the following websites to learn more how you can contribute to help women around world:
The Half the Sky Movement: Nicholas D. Kristof's and Sheryl WuDunn's webpage based on their book Half the Sky. Provides excerpts of the book as well as ways you can contribute to helping women and girls. Click here to see a list of organisations provided by the movement websites and get involved!
The Girl Effect: Another movement campaigning for the economic value of girls in society. This campaign website has been spearheaded by the Nike Foundation and BRAC, a development organisation dedicated to alleviating poverty, along with the United Nations Foundation and other corporate and NGO sponsors. It provides links to make donations to programs that helps girls get educated and have access to healthcare in developing economies.
The Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq: My organisation of choice! OWFI, in partnership with MADRE, runs underground safe houses in Iraq to protect women and girls, widows, and rape victims from sex trafficking and honor killings. Please click on the 'donate' key on the top right hand corner of the site to support a really great cause.
Freedom House: Freedom House is a Washington-based NGO that provides research and advocacy for democracy, human rights, and civil liberties around the world. They have ongoing programs in the Middle East and North Africa to support the advancement of women's rights by equipping and educating women with the resources necessary to support their own rights, providing advocacy, and helping aid campaigns for family law reforms.
MADRE: MADRE is an international women's human rights organisation based in New York. In partnership with local women's rights group, MADRE runs projects around the world to protect women and advance their social and political rights.
Prajwala: Founded by the spirited social entrepreneur, Sunitha Krishnan, Prajwala is an India-based NGO fighting sex trafficking head on by rescuing, rehabilitating, and reintegrating its victims back into society by providing shelter, counseling, and employment training. Prajwala also spearheads an aggressive international anti-trafficking campaign through advocacy, influencing public opinion and policy makers to stop the trafficking of human beings, and through the creation of prevention programmes.
GEMS: GEMS, Girls Educational & Mentoring Services, is a New York-based NGO that empowers girls that are survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. The organisation also works with law enforcement and the justice system and provides alternative to incarceration programmes as well as court advocacy to get justice for exploited girls.
Pax Populi: Pax Populi is a Massachusetts-based NGO which has recently launched an educational outreach programme in Afghanistan using Internet-based platforms such as Skype to connect volunteer college tutors to Afghani students in order to advance literacy and education to both genders.